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  Fr. Stanislaus Szulminski, SAC
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  Bp. Edward Profittlich, SJ

Servant of God Father Stanislav Shulminski SAC 1894—1941

Stanislav Shulminski was born in 1894 at Odessa. He studied at the theological seminary in Zhitomir, and when it was closed in 1923 he finished the seminary in Poland. In 1928 he joined the Congregation of Pallotines. After that he was graduated from the Lublin Catholic University. He was appointed as professor of theology at the seminary in Lutsk and at the seminary of the Congregation of Pallotines in Ozharov, near Warsaw. Several times he addressed his requests to the Pope and to the superiors of the Congregation, asking for a permission to go to serve in the USSR. At the same time he received training in the profession of medical assistant, in order to work for the indigents. In 1939 he was in the town of Nowogrudok, which was occupied by the soviet army. Shulminski was arrested and imprisoned. In 1940 he was sentenced to prison camp for five years and sent to the camp in the town of Ukhta. In 1941 he was amnestied, but he stayed in the camp, it may be of his own free will, for the pastoral service. He died in the camp on 27th   November 1941. In the Congregation of Pallotines the memory about his martyrdom has been kept.

Several times Fr. Stanislav asked about the permission to serve in the territories where the Church was exposed to persecutions, and he was ready for the martyrdom. In the prison camp he acted as a pastor, helped the other prisoners, and shared the last crust of bread with hungry men.

“Remember them who have ruled over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follows, considering the end of their conversation.”
(Heb. 13:7)

The prayer for the beatification of the Servant of God fr. Stanislav Shulminski

O God Almighty, Your Son suffered on the Cross and died for the salvation of people. Imitating Him, Your Servant Fr. Stanislav Shulminski loved You from the bottom of his heart, served You faithfully during the persecutions and devoted his life to the Church. Make him famous in the assembly of Your blessed, so that the example of his faithfulness and love would shine in front of the whole world. I pray to You through his mediation, hear my request ……………through Christ our Lord. Amen.

The prayer has to be used in private, as well as in public, out of the Holy Mass.
+ Archbishop Thaddeus Kondrusiewicz, St. Petersburg  05.04.2004
Postulator asks to inform about the graces received through the mediation of the Servant of God.
Address: Fr. Bronislav Chaplicki, 1st Krasnoarmyskaya, D. 11, 198005, St.Petersburg, Russia.

© Postulator Causae Beat. seu Declarationis Martyrii S. D. Antonii Malecki et Soc.